
Building precise universal code search at Sourcegraph

I'm excited to share that I have joined Sourcegraph to work on universal code search. I'm joining the code intelligence team where our mission is to make the search results more precise for 40+ programming languages. I have been privileged to be able to dive deep into Scala developer tooling for the past five years and I look forward to putting that experience to use for more language ecosystems.

I loved working on code navigation when I created Metals, the Scala language server. There are so many interesting challenges related to providing low-latency and feature-rich navigation that allows developers to effectively explore a large codebase.

While IDEs like Metals and IntelliJ provide a rich navigation experience, they take a long time to configure on a local computer. At Twitter, I learned first-hand that it can even become impossible to index a large codebase with a local IDE.

I'm excited to tackle these problems heads on at Sourcegraph so that everyone can access high-quality code navigation in codebases of any size. We have a lot of work to do. My team is hiring so if you're interested in working with me don't hesitate to reach out via Twitter DM or email [email protected].
